Sailor Shi-Rei Series "Ryu" - Dragon [11-9408]
Shi-Rei Series The "Shi-Rei Series" is a special fountain pen from Sailor, symbolizing the Four myt…
Sailor Shi-Rei Series "Ki-Ryu" - Turtle [11-9406]
Shi-Rei Series The "Shi-Rei Series" is a special fountain pen from Sailor, symbolizing the Four myt…
Sailor Shi-Rei Series "Hou-ou" - Phoenix [11-9405]
Shi-Rei Series The "Shi-Rei Series" is a special fountain pen from Sailor, symbolizing the Four myt…
Sailor Shi-Rei Series "Kirin" - Unicorn [11-9404]
Shi-Rei Series The "Shi-Rei Series" is a special fountain pen from Sailor, symbolizing the Four myt…
Sailor MAKI-E Wood "Yoshinoyama" - Mt. Yoshino [11-7916]
MAKI-E Wood "MAKI-E" is a highly respected traditional Japanese hand applied decoration process wit…
Sailor MAKI-E Wood "Akino" - Autumn Field [11-7918]
MAKI-E Wood "MAKI-E" is a highly respected traditional Japanese hand applied decoration process wit…
Sailor MAKI-E Wood "Onagadori" - Long tail Bird [11-7919]
MAKI-E Wood "MAKI-E" is a highly respected traditional Japanese hand applied decoration process wit…
Sailor MAKI-E Wood "Ashibe Chidori" - Oriental Plover [11-7350]
MAKI-E Wood "MAKI-E" is a highly respected traditional Japanese hand applied decoration process wit…